Monday 3 October 2011

"Tsampurado" (Chocolate Rice Porridge)

 Tsampurado (in Spanish - Champurrado) is a sweet chocolate rice porridge. It is traditionally made by boiling sticky rice with cocoa powder, giving it a distinctly brown color and usually with milk and sugar to make it taste sweeter.

When i was a child, i remember buying tsampurado at Nana Aying's. For only P5 per bowl, i can have my favorite breakfast :) But it can also be a "comfort food" during rainy days and part of mid-afternoon snacks or "merienda" :)

How about you? Can you remember how you enjoyed your tsampurado when you were a kid? :)


Let's get started!

  • 1 cup glutinous rice (malagkit)
  • 8 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3  1/2 cups water
  • Pour 2 1/2 cups of water in a pot and bring to a boil.
  • Put-in the glutinous rice and allow water to re-boil for a few minutes.
  • Dilute the cocoa powder in 1 cup warm water then pour-in the pot. Stir continuously.
  • Once the glutinous rice is cooked (about 12 to 18 minutes of cooking with constant stirring), add the sugar and cook for another 5 minutes or until the texture becomes thick.
  • Remove from the pot and place in a serving bowl.
  • Serve hot with a swirl of condensed or evaporated milk on top.
  • Goes best with fried or grilled TUYO(salted dried fish)! :)


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